[NBA] バスケットボール界に突如現れたJeremy Linという奇跡

Jeremy Lin林书豪 by DvYang, on Flickr

Jeremy Lin林书豪 by DvYang, on Flickr

アメリカを今もっとも熱中させる男、NBA(アメリカプロバスケットボールリーグ)、ニューヨークニックスのJeremy Lin選手。 アメリカンドリームを地でいくこの選手が、アメリカのスポーツ界だけでなく、社会を巻き込み一大旋風になっている。マスコミ、テレビが連日彼について報道、17番のユニフォームは売上げが3000%にアップし、アメリカは彼に首ったけだ。


[Sports] ロッドマン以上の逸材!?メッタ・ワールドピースを君は知っているか。





[Eng] [Vintage] Remember When It Was All About Fun for the Fans?

NBA Lockout.  We seem to never learn from the history.  I mean it was just a decade ago we had lockout-shortened-50-game-season and that was far from the regular 82-game season excitement.  I hope things work out before the season starts this fall.

Until then, let us remember the time when it was all about the “Fun” of the “Fans.”  That’s right, the classic commercial series by Nike, starring Kevin Garnett and numerous other stars of the time.

The Concept of the series was Fun Police regulating the Fun in the game, whether its at a stadium or at a suburban high school gym.

I sure hope the Fun Police will come out once again to bring the love and emotion back in the NBA ball.  I sure do hope to scream THAT famous line in the near future.

“I STILL Love This Game.”






Couldn’t find a vid where Jason Kidd, Damon Stoudmire, and Gary Payton gives lesson to a ball hog boy on a playground, that was one of my favorite.